Finance Info

neltech solar and filtration

The Benefits of solar finance

Reduced Upfront Costs

Immediate Cost Savings

Long-Term Financial Benefits

Tax Benefits


Solar Loans:

Solar loans are an excellent option for those who want to own their solar energy systems outright. These loans are specifically designed for financing solar projects and have favourable terms and interest rates. With a solar loan, you can spread the cost of your solar system over a set period, making it more manageable to repay. Additionally, you can benefit from the energy savings generated by the solar system, which can help offset the loan payments.

Solar finance options play a crucial role in enabling homeowners and business owners to embrace solar energy without bearing the full upfront costs of installation. Several banks in South Africa offer specialised solar finance options tailored to meet the unique needs of those interested in installing solar panels.

Wesbank, Standard Bank, and FNB are among the banks that provide solar finance solutions. Understanding the growing demand for renewable energy and offering competitive loan options are key in making solar projects more accessible and affordable.


Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs):

Power Purchase Agreements are an increasingly popular solar finance option, particularly for commercial and large-scale solar projects. Under a PPA, a third-party solar provider instals and maintains the solar energy system on your property. In return, you agree to purchase the electricity generated by the system at a predetermined rate over an extended period. PPAs often require little to no upfront cost and can result in immediate savings on electricity bills.


Solar Leases:

Similar to PPAs, solar leases involve a third-party solar provider who instals and maintains the solar panels on your property. However, instead of purchasing the electricity generated, you pay a fixed monthly lease payment for the use of the solar system. Solar leases typically include maintenance and repair services, making it a hassle-free option for those who prefer minimal involvement in the operation and upkeep of the solar system.

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